
Bless This Mess Home Organizing Cares About You

Are you looking for ideas on how to start de-cluttering your home?

Do you want to work together or have us get started on our own? Is it too overwhelming to even begin to purge and declutter? Erin can get started on her own with guidelines and boundaries that you set.
Once the primary purging is done, we can work together to make final decisions and complete your project.

Ready to get things done with hands on help? We can work together to help you make your home the place that you want it to be.

Call us today and let us know how we can help you.

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Are your closets so full and unorganized that you don’t know what you have or can’t find that things “you know is here somewhere”. Help is just a phone call away for purging, sorting and organizing your clothes closets, your linen closets or pantry.

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Whole Home Makeover

We can start in one room and move throughout your home and reclaim your place of refuge. Erin can help with systems to make your life easier to keep on track. 

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Pre Move/ Sell

Looking to list your home and need to get rid of some clutter? We can help you make your home look it’s best by decluttering and sorting items that are not needed anymore.

Moving/ Relocating

Making a move? Need helping packing?  Whether it’s one room or the whole house we can pack up your belongings and have them ready for the movers to load up. We take great care in making sure everything gets to the new location in one piece. 

Need a Mover? We highly recommend Village Mover. Visit them at

Unpacking Services

Are you overwhelmed by the thought of unpacking at your new home? Let Erin help you unpack in a manner that sets you up for future success and efficiency. She can help you unpack you kitchen, linens and bathrooms in a way that sets you up for success.

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You did it! The kids are gone and you are ready to downsize. We can help you decide what should go and what you can let go of to make your new residence just right for this new chapter in your life.

Storage Units

Are you tired of paying to store your stuff and ready to purge, sort and declutter your storage unit? Erin can help you get that unit emptied so you can save that rent money. 

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Are you a crafter? Do you have an abundance of crafting supplies? Have you quit one or mote crafts and started another? Are you so overwhelmed and your hobby has become more about collecting supplies than creating? Lets get you organized so you can do what you love. As a crafter, Erin knows what its like to be over run with supplies and out of space to create. 

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Bereavement Services

Have you lost a loved one? are you ready to tackle the difficult job of going through belongings but don’t want do it alone? Erin considers it a privilege to help you during a time when emotions may overwhelm you. She is ready to help you make decisions and take away items that you are ready to part with.

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